
I’m beginning to find social media more and more agitating to navigate. More often than not it feels like a place where everyone is trying to paint an image that isn’t real — or is real, but is not whole. It’s a place that allows people to hide behind a screen.

At the same time, I’m so grateful to have a way to communicate with the people I love and care about that I am not able to see very often because of my life abroad. I can’t imagine how much harder it would be to live away from them without it.

Yet, every time I open one of my various social media accounts, I feel myself releasing a deep breath of tension as soon as I close it.

Why are we making this life a competition?

Why are we shaming each other instead of offering support?

Why are we so lazy that we can’t fact check information that we share? — OR believing everything that others have shared without questioning?

Why are we using such brilliant tools in ways that make others (and even us) feel so low?

I know that I’ve made mistakes on social media. I have no problem admitting that. AndI apologize from the bottom of my heart to anyone I’ve hurt.

If you’re reading this, check yourself. Now, I’ll be off doing the same…



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